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Participant Information Sheet


Title of Study:  Understanding perceptions of of geodiversity in nature


About the study


Natural England define nature as including biodiversity - all of life on Earth - and geodiversity – the rocks, natural features and processes that make them.  The overall aim of the research is to understand the public’s perception of the role that geodiversity plays in nature.  


Some questions you may have about the research project:


Why have you asked me to take part and what will I be required to do?


We know that many people are interested in the natural environment and take part in activities in nature.  Natural England want to understand what you think about the role that rocks, natural features and the processes that make them have in nature, and have commissioned Place Innovation to find out. We are inviting you to complete the attached survey, which shouldn’t take no more than 10 minutes to complete. The questions gather data about you as this is important for us to understand the views of different groups of people, but it is all anonymous.


What if I do not wish to take part or change my mind during the study?


Your participation in the study is entirely voluntary. You are free to withdraw from the study at any time without having to provide a reason for doing so.


What happens to the research data?


The data collected via the surveys will be stored securely by Place Innovation who will be the only people to have direct access to the data.  All other access will be through reports and publications using anonymised data.  The survey data will be deleted / destroyed at the end of the project. You can read Place Innovation’s Privacy Notice here.


How will the research be reported?


Data collected will be used to inform the report Place Innovation are writing for Natural England.  All reporting will be anonymised.


How can I find out more information?


Please contact the Place Innovation project lead directly – e:


What if I want to complain about the research?


Initially you should contact the researcher directly. However, if you are not satisfied or wish to make a more formal complaint you should contact

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